Brando, by Gisèle Vienne
Production Same Art, 4AD, DACM
With the participation of LUX-Scène nationale de Valence
Produced by Amélie Couillaud & Dimitri Chamblas
A film written and directed by Gisèle Vienne
Music “Soused” by Scott Walker and Sunn O)))
Director of photography Sylvestre Dedise
Editor Caroline Detournay
Choreography Gisèle Vienne
Line producer Edouard Bonnet
Special advisers Patric Chiha & Lucile Hadzihalilovic
Make-up & hair stylism Mélanie Gerbeaux assisted by Elise Feuillade
Costume design Gisèle Vienne & Sonia Philouze assisted by Emma Bursztejn
Gaffer Kevin Ramalho
First camera assistant Nadja Anane
Catherine Robbe-Grillet’s assistant Beverley Charpentier
Post-production Firm Colour
Grading Nicolas Gautier avec la participation d’Estelle Hanania
Flame artist Erwan Bouché
End titles Stephen O’Malley & Pierre de Domingo
Artistic dossier Pierre de Domingo
Accounting Pierre Garry
Suppliers Panalux, Buffaloc, The BOX, Day’n’Light
Support Anne-Lise Gobin & Alix Sarrade
Music written by Noel Engel
Produced by Scott Walker
Co-produced & recorded by Peter Walsh
SUNN O))) Stephen O’Malley, Greg Anderson, TOS Nieuwenhuizen
Mixed by Peter Walsh & Scott Walker
Musical director Mark Warman
Electronic Sounds Treatment & Manipulation Mark Warman & Peter Walsh
Voice Scott Walker
Guitars Greg Anderson
Guitars, Bass Guitar Stephen O’Malley
Lead Guitar TOS Nieuwenhuizen
Drums Ian Thomas
Keyboards Mark Warman
Trumpet Guy Barker
Whip Peter Gamble
Drum Programming Peter Walsh & Mark Warman
Keyboards FX Peter Walsh
Soused / 4AD CAD 3428 / Noel Scott Engel
© 2014 Scott Walker Management : Negus-Fancey Company
Acknowledgements to Didier Bouchet, Ludovic Jagielski, Manu Majastre, Raphael Rubbens, Estelle Rullier, Jean-Paul Vienne, Dorothea Vienne-Pollak, Geoffroy Vigne, and Erès as well as Karen Barel, Jean-Jacques Cabuy, Dennis Cooper, PLATO (Séverine Péan, Carine Hilly and Julie Le Gall), Peter Rehberg & Catherine Rossi-Batôt
The Indian name Omaha means Dwellers on the bluff. Marlon Brando was born in Omaha Nebraska.
© Same Art / 4AD / DACM – 2014